Monday, February 1, 2010

Crash and Burn!

Okay, the first step is to be honest...

I flopped the Raw Food Challenge. Totally the wrong plan for me at the wrong time of year!

I am still working on my weight, but have just gone back to the good old calorie counting.

Also, I had a flop of a weekend. I totally crashed and burned on the whole diet both Saturday and Sunday, and as I result I re-gained 4 pounds. Fan-tab-ulous! Just another bump in the road of my long ass journey...

I am also taking a blogging challenge from my pal Desiree... 28 posts in 28 days!

So here is day 1 of 28!

Also, I will close with a picture I took of Henry on Sunday. He fell asleep mid-cracker! lol! My poor sleepy baby boy!


Mama2Monkeys said...

well good for you for trying, i flopped yesterday, bad. redlobster, cheesey biscuts, calimari, alfredo sauce, sangria, the whole nine yards

chachacha said...

I had Papa Johns amongst other things! lol! I love some good old Papa! ;)

SeekerofGrace said...

Woo hoo! I'm not alone in my question for craziness... was wondering what had happened to your blog - the one I was following disappeared? Anyhoo, glad you're back and good luck with the weight loss! I am back ON the wagon after this baby gets here... :)

P.S. What a cutie!