Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let's Get Together and Love One Another

Today's post is brought to you by the holiday, Thanksgiving.
With Henry's first Thanksgiving finally approaching I have been inspired to list some of the things that I am thankful for this year.

1. My beautiful, healthy, happy, baby boy.
2. My wonderful, understanding, and supportive husband.
3. To have a roof over our heads. 
(with all the home foreclosures and our near miss at purchasing a home I am so glad that we made the decision to rent right now)
4. To have food in our pantry.
(there are too many who go hungry)
5. To have a wonderful supportive extended family.
6. To be able to stay at home to raise my child.
7. To have a husband that supports that decision, no matter the outside influences.
8. To have a husband that is willing to work a second job to allow me to stay home with Henry.
9. To have 2 wonderful parents that taught me all I need to know to be a good Mom.
10. To have 2 wonderful siblings (Gail and Jeremy) that would do anything for me.
11. To have 6 adorable sweet Nieces and nephews whom I would do anything for.
12. To be able to give Henry a nice Christmas.
13. To have my health
14. To have love in my life
15. To have faith, in God, and love.

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